Mood for Swing

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Mood for Swing

Mood for Swing Mood for Swing This is the most fun competition in Lindy Hop. At preliminaries, dance 3 songs. Each dances with a different partner, and both leaders and followers will be judged individually. The final will be a couple judge with the opponent matched on the spot.
Both the preliminaries and finals will be held at Kitazawa Town Hall on Saturday. Preliminaries start at 18:30.
The final will be performed with the Asian Golden Swing Quartet.
Registration required. No participation fee required.Participants must attend the competition meeting starting at 18:00.

リンディーホップで一番楽しいコンペティションです。予選は3曲、それぞれ違ったパートナーと踊り、リーダーとフォロワーとも個別にジャッジされます。 ファイナルはその場で組み合わされた相手とのカップルジャッジになります。
予選も決勝も土曜日の北沢タウンホールで開催。予選は18:30から。決勝はAsian Golden Swing Quartetの演奏で行います。

Mood for Swing Mood for Swing Mood for Swing's famous One Minute Showcase! ! Dramas are born from this competition every year! Each team (individual or both) is asked to freely express their swing emotion within 1 minute. Registration required. Participation fee is free.

Mood for Swing名物のOne Minute Showcase!!  このコンペからは毎年ドラマが生まれています!

Mood for Swing ●REGISTRATION : 18:10~ at the lobby of Persimmon Hall

Mood for Swing Welcome party
venue : Meguro Persimmon Small Hall
dance time : 18:40-21:20
adv 4000yen (Advance ticket reservations available until March 31st)
door 4500yen
live : Asian Golden Swing Quartet
Mood for Swing Mood for Swing

Mood for Swing Lindy Hop workshop
venue : Higashiyama Juku Center
time : 10:00-10:30 registration / 10:30-14:35 (3 classes)

Mood for Swing ●REGISTRATION : 17:50~ at the lobby of Kitazawa Town Hall
●Mix & Match meeting : Competitors must come in the lobby at 18:00.
Mood for Swing venue : Kitazawa Town Hall
dance time : 18:10-21:20
adv 4500yen (Advance ticket reservations available until March 31st )
door 5000yen
live : Asian Golden Swing Quartet with Midori
Mood for Swing
Mood for Swing Mood for Swing Mood for Swing

Mood for Swing Balboa workshop
class 1 : Higashiyama Social Education Hall 2F
class 2 & 3 : Higashiyama Juku Centerl
time : 10:00-10:30 registration / 10:30-14:35 (3 classes)

Mood for Swing Mood for Swing venue : Higashiyama Juku Centerl
time : 17:00-20:30
adv 4000yen (Advance ticket reservations available until March 31st)
door 4500yen
live : Hot Jazz Messengers
Mood for Swing

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